Sunday 27 November 2011

Rosie Dog

Here's some photos of a pug (Rosie) I did  for her owner.  It took a while to get her to stand still longer enough but think we managed it in the end. 


Christmas is just around the corner and my Wife wanted some photos for a post she was doing on her blog.  She recently sound out somebody she knows has started making Christmas cards so asked if i could incorporate them in the photos.  Take a look at her blog and see how she used them

Thursday 24 November 2011

Photographs That Changed The World As We Know It..

From the very first photograph, photos have been a huge part of our life's and
 the world.  I believe photos are responsible for changing a lot in modern
 society and are a very powerful influence on the powers that be as well as
 everybody else.  Here are 15 photos that are responsible for a lot of those
 changes..  I found this article whilst researching for this post and thought it
 was brilliant.  The photos in it are some of the most famous and in some cases
 most graphic but in the end they have changed our world in which we live. 

First Photograph Ever Taken – View From the Window of Le Gras France
The very first permanent photograph which was destroyed by accident later, was an image produced in 1822 by French inventor Joseph Niepce. View from the Window at Le Gras was the first permanent photograph created by Nicephore Niepce in 1826. Sunlight can be seen illuminating the buildings on each side of the grainy photo.
Flag Raising on Mount Suribachi
The image of four marines struggling to raise the American flag on Mount Suribachi, Japan is the most widely printed photograph of World War II. Taken by a U.S. Marine photographer under heavy Japanese fire in early 1945, the photo depicts America’s determination to take possession of the island. Photo by Joe Rosenthal
Afghan Girl
Taken in 1984 by National Geographic photographer Steve McCurry, the world famous shot of 12 year old Sharbat Gula captured the attention of the world with her unforgettably beautiful eyes and innocence amid widespread war and turmoil surrounding her.
Looking Down Sacramento Street
Taken on the morning of April 18, 1906, this photograph was taken by Arnold Genthe in San Francisco, California following the devastating earthquake that nearly destroyed the entire city and which sparked the great fire that engulfed the west coast American community.
Breaker Boys
Taken in 1910 in Pennsylvania of breaker boys, or children who were forced to work separating coal from slate. This photograph assisted in leading America to ban child labor. Photographer: Lewis Hine.
The Lynching of Young Blacks
A photograph taken in 1930 in the state of Indiana, USA after two young black men were hung. The two were accused of raping a white girl and were lynched by a mob of ten thousand whites. The faces on the people in the crowd depict clearly what the sentiment was towards blacks during those days. Photographer: Lawrence Beitler
Migrant Mother
Deemed the one photograph that gave a face to the Great Depression, legendary photographer Dorthea Lange snapped this shot in 1936 of a pea-picking migrant worker and her children in rural California. The woman in the picture’s name is Florence Thompson, mother of seven whose husband died of tuberculosis. The family sustained themselves by eating birds killed by her children and vegetables taken from a nearby field.
Hitler in Paris
Hitler’s army had just captured Paris when Hitler went there to admire his newly acquired city. This powerful photograph was taken in June of 1940.
The Last Jew in Vinnista
This chilling photograph was discovered in a personal photo album of an Einsatzgruppen soldier. There were twenty-eight thousand Jews living in Vinnista at the time and all were killed. The man in the photograph is about to lose his life as well. The photograph was taken in the summer of 1941.
VJ Day
Probably one of the most famous photographs taken during World War II, this shot was snapped in New York City in June of 1945. The couple was celebrating the end of the war in Times Square and were captured on film by Alfred Eisenstaedt. The couple’s identity was never confirmed, although many people have come forward to say it was them.
The Body of Che Guevara
This famous photograph was taken after Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara was killed by the Bolivian army in 1967. His death was detrimental to the socialist revolutionary movement in both Latin America and the Third World. Photo by Freddy Alborta.
Execution of a Viet Cong Guerrilla
Eddie Adams, an Associated Press photographer, just happened to be passing by when he snapped this photograph in Vietnam in 1968 of Nguyen Ngoc Loan, national police chief of South Vietnam shooting and killing a Viet Cong army captain. This photo turned public opinion against the war and won Adams a Pulitzer Prize.

 moon landing 
 Possibly the most talked-about, debated and controversial picture in history, the picture of the moon landing has been seen as a feat of human engineering at its best, and has been speculated as a hoax by contractors of the event. Those in doubt of the authenticity of the picture have come up with many suggestions as to why and how it might have been faked. However, none of the accusations have been proved correct and the debate continues in some circles. For many, though, it provides a sense of accomplishment and achievement by the human race to send a man to the moon, which for years was considered an impossibility. The American flag also installs national pride in the US as the winners of the so-called ‘Space Race’, and their establishment as the world’s one remaining super power

Footprint on the Moon

Tiananmen Square Protester
Without a doubt, this photograph of one single defiant person blocking tanks from emerging onto the square tells the story of the radical student rebellion that occurred in China in 1989. The man was spared, but soon the square filled with people and much blood was shed. Photographer: Stuart Franklin    
 Omaha Beach, Normandy, France

"If your pictures aren’t good enough," war photographer Robert Capa used to say, "you
aren’t close enough." After all, his most memorable shots were taken on the morning of D-
Day, June 6, 1944, when he landed alongside the first waves of infantry at Omaha Beach.
Caught under heavy fire, Capa dove for what little cover he could find, then shot all the film
 in his camera, and got out. Of the four rolls of film Capa took of the horrific D-Day battle,
 all but 11 exposures were ruined by an overeager lab assistant, who melted the film in his
rush to develop it. There were deadlines to meet...  In an ironic twist, however, that same
 mistake gave the few surviving exposures their famously surreal look.


Tuesday 22 November 2011

Here are some photos that I found whilst trawling through my extensive back catalogue of photos I have taken in the past. A random group I know but hope you like them.
The Smarts Wedding Venue

Prince Harlow

Spanish Butterfly

Christmas holly


My Nephew Leon

Soft Coral

Big Ben

Our Wedding Church

Winter Berry


My Brothers Marine Fish

Baby Harlow

Mrs T and Leon

Victoria, Emma, Elaine and Mrs T

The Smart's Wedding

Mrs T on the London Eye

Mrs Smart and Mrs T

Monday 21 November 2011

Two Amazing Horses Back To Their Best

Kauto Star
Clive Smith (left) Ruby Walsh, Kauto Star and Paul Nicholls (right)

Master Minded
On Saturday we horse racing fans were in for an early Christmas present given to us by two brilliant horses back to there brilliant best.  Kauto Star, ridden by Ruby Walsh and Master Minded, ridden by Daryl Jacobs both owned by Clive Smith and trained by the master National Hunt trainer Paul Nicholls came back  to winning form after people had written them off (me included) due to there disappointing recent runs and Kauto's ever increasing age ( 11 now ).  But we were all proved wrong as Master Minded swept aside his rivals at Ascot jumping them into the ground and the mighty Kauto, 4 times winner of the King George and twice a winner of the best jump race of them all the Cheltenham Gold Cup jumped like a stag and powered to victory in the grade 1 Betfair Chase at Haydock beating the horse that took his Cheltenham Gold Cup crown last year Long Run, the new kid on the block who's half Kauto's age.  A truly amazing performance from a horse with the heart of a lion and the willingness to win still at his senior age.  The reception he received in the winners circle after the race was something you would expect to see on centre court after the final at Wimbledon,  just shows what a great horse he was and still is!  I don't mind admitting I had a lump in my throat after seeing the old boy back!

Photos sourced from Google Images

Sunday 20 November 2011

Today's Photos

Early Infrared Attempts 
Blue Tits

Green Dykes Horses

Greater Spotted Woodpecker

Saturday 19 November 2011

Mrs T's Blog

Whilst your perusing my blog why not check out my Wife's fashion blog.  I think you will find it informative about all things fashion!

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Famous Photographer #3

Mario Testino was born in Lima, Peru. In 1976, after completing his studies in Peru, he arrived in London to pursue a career in photography.
Testino has become one of the world's most well known and celebrated fashion photographers. His work has been featured across the globe in magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair and V and he has crafted and contributed to the imagery of leading fashion houses such as Burberry, Gucci, Versace, Calvin Klein, Dolce & Gabbana, Salvatore Ferragamo, Estee Lauder, Hugo Boss, Miu Miu, Shiseido and Michael Kors, among many others. As well as having published nine books of his work and edited one other dedicated to contemporary art and artists from his native Peru, Mario Testino has had many successful exhibitions in galleries and museums around the world. A true photography icon and somebody who I aspire to greatly. 

Source and Google images