Monday 21 November 2011

Two Amazing Horses Back To Their Best

Kauto Star
Clive Smith (left) Ruby Walsh, Kauto Star and Paul Nicholls (right)

Master Minded
On Saturday we horse racing fans were in for an early Christmas present given to us by two brilliant horses back to there brilliant best.  Kauto Star, ridden by Ruby Walsh and Master Minded, ridden by Daryl Jacobs both owned by Clive Smith and trained by the master National Hunt trainer Paul Nicholls came back  to winning form after people had written them off (me included) due to there disappointing recent runs and Kauto's ever increasing age ( 11 now ).  But we were all proved wrong as Master Minded swept aside his rivals at Ascot jumping them into the ground and the mighty Kauto, 4 times winner of the King George and twice a winner of the best jump race of them all the Cheltenham Gold Cup jumped like a stag and powered to victory in the grade 1 Betfair Chase at Haydock beating the horse that took his Cheltenham Gold Cup crown last year Long Run, the new kid on the block who's half Kauto's age.  A truly amazing performance from a horse with the heart of a lion and the willingness to win still at his senior age.  The reception he received in the winners circle after the race was something you would expect to see on centre court after the final at Wimbledon,  just shows what a great horse he was and still is!  I don't mind admitting I had a lump in my throat after seeing the old boy back!

Photos sourced from Google Images

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